Code is my life!



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My name is Mike I've been styuding for the last two years where I got to know different technologies and tools used to build web applications, from the most basic to deployment. In all this time I've just been able to learn a part of the web development ecosystem. Like all developers I started with Html, Css, and Js. I scaled up my knowledge with different frameworks and libraries.
I'm learning both parts most important of web development but Im focused on the Front-End with Js and React and I also have basic knowledge of NodeJs at the Back-End. I know database management with MySQL and MongoDB.
I still have many things to learn, that's why I am always willing to do it, to add new technologies and to meet people with whom to share and exchange knowledge.


My first programming language.

The magic of the front.

A set of little ones, they become powerful

All in one place

Leveling up in Components

What we don't see but it's there

A different way of writing data.

Don't forget "where" please.

Super power for javascript